Discover your Smile
Braces for the whole family
Discover your smile
Dr. Andrea Picard
Orthodontist in Ottawa
Teen Braces
Teen Braces
Adult Braces
Adult Braces
Teen Braces
Invisible braces for Teens
Teen Braces
Invisible braces are a great way to ensure your teen’s misaligned teeth are given the proper care they need, while also maintaining the appearance of not having braces. These invisible braces are made of clear ceramic, which means they are almost completely invisible.
Adult Braces
Invisible braces for Adults
Adult Braces
While you may want to ensure your teeth look perfectly straight, it is not always
possible for an adult to get braces when they are in their mid-20s or 30s. These
invisible braces not only help to correct problems with your teeth, but they can be
completely invisible and indistnguishable from your teeth.
Invisalign and SureSmile Aligners
Invisalign and SureSmile aligners are only a few of the many options when it comes to aligner treatment. All our aligner treatments use the latest cutting edge 3-D computer technology to help create a series of custom-made aligners created specifically for the structure of your teeth.
Why choose treatment with us?
How We Work
Our Approach
What is an Orthodontist?
An orthodontist is a dental surgeon who has two to three more years of specialized training than a general dentist. An orthodontist specializes, and often limits his/her practice to orthodontics and dento-facial orthopedics.
After Treatment
Following active orthodontic treatment, patients are often prescribed retainers, which ensure teeth remain in their improved positions while the surrounding bone remodels and strengthen around them.
Additional Components
Additional components, such as headgearexpander, retainers, removable appliances and other devices may also be employed solely, or in conjunction with braces, to properly position teeth and jaw bones.